The Hot-Cell Radiochemistry Monitoring System is a unique and flexible detector system for monitoring high level activity of nuclides and radiolabeled compounds in chemistry production systems, preparative chromatography, hot cells, etc.

The system can be configured with up to 8 detectors for a wide range of applications. The miniature detectors fit into small locations and can operate up to 15.24 m (50 feet) away from the base unit.

Optional software allows simple data collection and independent calibration constants for each detector. Upgrade your existing chemistry synthesis module to allow you to track the activity flow in your manual or automated system.

You will no longer be ‘running blind’ and using only final yield
to determine success or failure. Fully profile your chemistry
system to help increase yield, determine individual step fail-
ures and optimize your process.

The Hot-Cell system can be configured with up to 8 standard, solid-state PIN diode detectors. These detectors enable the Hot-Cell System to be used for the analysis of a wide range of applications including P-32, Y-90, C-14, S-35, P-33, I-131, mTc-99, In-111, C-11, O-15, N-13, F-18 and I-125. Each detector can be calibrated to provide data in Curies.

The Hot-Cell system detectors enable the system to detect gamma, positron and high-energy beta emitters at levels of activity > 1 mCi. Each detector channel can be configured for either linear or logarithmic amplifiers. Linear channels have both course and fine gain adjustments. Logarithmic channels have offset adjustment and a fixed gain (1.0 V= 1 decade). Detectors are fully   independent, which allows placement of the detectors into different processes or locations, simultaneously.

Fact Sheet