With the Modular-Lab Dispensing Unit the dosing of the product aseptically into vials in a Class C/ Class 10,000 environment can be also done now with a closed and sterile fluid path provided by the dispensing cassettes. The dispenser is available as a ‘stand-alone’ device. As an add-on, modules or the dispensing cassettes can be mounted into any Modular-Lab PharmTracer synthesis system and make it useable as a dispenser. Based on the Modular-Lab PharmTracer technology for cassette-based production of a variety of tracers without cross-contamination, this specific setup can be used for vial dispensing of up to six vials. An additional vial is used for quality control. In addition the production of [18F]NaF, [11C]Choline and [11C]Methionine from [11C]Methyl Iodide is possible.
The dispenser consists of the Syringe Module (SYM), a 2-fold Modular-Lab PharmTracer Module (SLM-2) (add-on system) and a control unit and PC (for ‘stand-alone’ device). For extension of dispensing from 4 into 6 vials an additional module SLM-1 can be added. With one extra SLM-1 module the system can be extended to perform an automated cassette pressure and sterile filter integrity test. Dilution of the activity and measurement of volume of active solution can be done. With a small activity detector – that can be freely placed – and with a Detector Shielding Module (DSM) the activity of the stock solution is measured, a defined volume removed and measured again to give the input for the volume calculation. The detector has a wide range of measurement and can be calibrated for a defined isotope and setup.
For more information, please contact Wiik Pharma.