Medi-MAA (Tc-mr-2)
Active substance: Human Serum Albumin Macroaggregate 2,5 mg
Particle size: 90% are between 10 and 100 µm (2-4x10^6 particles/vial).
Medi-MAA is for diagnostic use only.
After radiolabelling with sodium pertechnetate (99m-Tc) solution, the solution obtained is indicated for:
Pulmonary perfusion scintigraphy
Pulmonary embolism and myocardial infarct
Chronic circulatory failure
Local respiratory distress
Visualisation of venous circulation
Perfusion arterial scintigraphy of abdominal and retroperitoneal organs
Detection of deep vein thrombosis in the lower extremities and pelvis
Occlusion of the vena cava inferior
For more specific information, such as the dosage and pharmacological properties, please refer to the SmPC in your region:
Denmark (65593) - SmPC in DK